Code of Conduct

Rowing a sport for all, any day of the week. Participation at all levels –from beginners (Learn to Row) to novice, social/recreational, masters, juniors, to performance athletes. Please show each other respect at all times – in the boathouse, outside the boathouse, at the steps, on the river, and remember respect in all communication, including emails.
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Outings stick to agreed plans, turn up on time and prepared, find a replacement if unable to come, book your boat (sign it out and in), written report of incident or damage, wash up and tidy up, work as a team to make it a successful outing (definitions of ‘successful’ differ). Stay around for coffee and a teacake (caramel wafer if you insist).
Wear appropriate clothing, rowers learn to love lycra in the end. Bring an extra set of clothing. Bright yellow and red are only essential if racing (see website for kit). States of undress are only appropriate in the changing room. Even if cooling down, shorts and top or a full one piece is minimum requirement for clubroom. Taps aff only on Glasgow Green last Saturday in May.
Include safety and well-being in every decision. Decisions on river conditions can only be made by those with suitable experience, same with use of boats and crews. No compromise. Safety boat in place, cox with lifejacket, cox box in boats that need it, knowledge of Rules of River, all crews practice emergency stop – ‘check it hard’. All who coach or work with juniors need a PVG for Glasgow Rowing Club, but it is every member’s responsibility to ensure safe practice and to support well-being. And of course, inclusion and respect of others free of any kind of discrimination.
Nurture our talent all participants have a right to determine their goals and be supported in achieving them – from beginner to performance athlete – encourage and support with respect and care.
Glasgow Rowing Club is a club to be proud of and a place to enjoy. Good teamwork and communication have made it what it is. We are a bunch of volunteers but everyone has skills to share – rowing, coaching, grass-cutting, baking, soup-making, time-keeping, tea-making, encouraging others, painting blades, photography, add to list freely please. Enjoy your part in the sport.
British Rowing's Code of Conduct